

10.00 - 23.00

Payment activities
Limited number shifts


Cancelled event vouchers'
and extension of gift tickets/cards

Dear families,

MUBA follows the guidelines of the Decree Law of March 17, 2020 - "Cura Italia" Decree, which provides the possibility of redemption of admission tickets for cancelled events due to the Covid 19 emergency, through the creation of vouchers instead of monetary refund.

For this reason, those of you in possession of a ticket or gift ticket/carnet for one or more activities scheduled after February 24th, 2020 - BUYED ONLINE OR IN THE MUSEUM - may request the issue of a digital voucher of the value corresponding to the amount of the ticket/s. 


To book, once you have reactivated the ticketing online, you will need to press the "buy" button, select the activity to book, select the day and time of the visit. Enter the seal code ONLY AS MUCH AS THE TICKETS THAT YOU WANT TO BOOK and confirm your booking.


We remind you that the voucher does not entitle you to any kind of pre-emption.



September 18th, 2020 is the latest date by which the voucher can be requested.
All the following requests will not be accepted.



Many users have decided to waive the refund to support the activities of our museum.

MUBA is a private Foundation  that supports and finances its projects mainly with ticketing income, and secondly with private sponsorship and by participating in a national and international calls for proposals.

We inform you that the amounts not converted into vouchers within September 18th, 2020, will be ascribed to donations.

Thank you for the closeness and affection showed in this months and we hope to welcome you as soon as possible in total safety!



MUBA has not yet communicated the date of reopening because all necessary measures are being developed to ensiure a safe reopening for visitors and all MUBA staff, cosidering the particular kind of activities offered. We invite you to consult our socials to be always updated on the new activities.
From June 29th to September 11th MUBA hosted summer campus.