

10.00 - 23.00

Payment activities
Limited number shifts


"NATURA" playful exhibition for children (2-7 years old)

Play and discover the nature with new eyes!

From 2 to 7 years old

September, Sunday 3rd, 2023
September, Sunday 10th, 2023
September, Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th, 2023

75 minutes - Limited number shift


Families are divided into groups and accompanied inside the guided exhibition-game Nature to discover four interactive installations.

The tour is guided and each installation includes an initial story time by the educator that precedes the play phase. In Natura we all play together, adults and children, and without shoes!


Nature is a guided play-exhibition that was created with the aim of providing tools to facilitate children's exploration in nature and proposing activities and experiences that cannot be found "outside."
Specifically, the play-exhibition aims to offer suggestions with the purpose of stimulating curiosity through four categories of sensory perception space, matter, form and color declined in the following installations:



curated by Barbara Zoccatelli


The installation is dedicated to the shapes in nature, focusing in particular on the theme of recursiveness. The line, the circle, the radial and the spiral are examples of shapes that often come back in different natural elements and that can be explored here with the hands, the eyes and the whole body. The interaction with large modular paper structures, reminiscent of the origami of Japanese tradition, allows to modify the shape from time to time, exploring the recurrences. The paper works are designed and created by Daniele Papuli, a sculptor in dialogue with the subjects, the space, the places.



curated by Monica Guerra


The installation reinterprets the concept of "wunderkammer", declining it as a room of everyday wonders that nature offers and inviting to encounter natural matter as a living material. The different natural elements are investigated through the senses, in a survey that goes from macro to micro and back, also through the use of ingots. This game, through observation and exploration from different perspectives, allows a contact and a deeper knowledge on the materials of nature. The architects Lula Ferrari and Lola Ottolini oversaw the design of the structure, interpreting this room of wonders in a contemporary key. The exhibited collections have seen the active participation of the public in the procurement of natural materials that feed the exhibit.



curated by Elisa Testori


What would happen in a meadow if an ant suddenly became very large and a hedgedog became very small? In this installation the children find themselves playing in an out-of-scale meadow where they "hide" animals and plants declined in three different sizes. From time to time, depending on the choice of the elements and their positioning, the landscape assumes an ever-changing aspect, leaving the possibility of observing a constantly changing space and of investigating the relationships existing between the elements that compose it. The installation sees the participation of the set designer Isadora Bucciarelli, who designed and planned the exhibit.



curated by Francesca Valan


A path that winds through eight steps in which children discover how in nature there are different and possible shades of natural colors. Because there is not a single blue sky or green lawn, but each color has various shades and the possibilities are endless if only the surrounding nature is carefully observed. The installation sees the support of Rosella Cilano, dyer and President of the Associazione Colore e Tintura Naturale M.E. Salice who oversaw the creation of a sample of yarns, present in the exhibition, dyed exclusively with natural colors. An instrument that explains how nature itself is able to "create" color, providing man with ideal pigments to dye and paint.



Natura is composed by four different exhibit, curated by MUBA and by a un scientific commitee, composed by four professionals, each of whom has deepened and reworked one of the perceptual categories. 

The Scientifc Commitee is composed by:


  • Fabrizio Bertolino Pedagogical Researcher at Università della Valle d’Aosta
  • Monica Guerra Researcher and lecturer at the Department of Human Sciences for Education at the University of Milano-Bicocca and President of Bambini e Natura
  • Elisa Testori Editor and producer for the creative and cultural industries
  • Francesca Valan Colour Designer 
  • Barbara Zoccatelli Pedagogical and training coordinator (University of Trento)


Each installation also sees the support of some professionals from the world of art, set design, architecture and fashion:


  • Isadora Bucciarelli set designer
  • Rosella Cilano Dyer and President of Associazione Colore e Tintura Naturale M.E. Salice
  • Lula Ferrari e Lola Ottolini architects
  • Daniele Papuli artist




NATURA 2-7 years old awaits you:


  • Sunday 3rd, September 2023: entrances at 10 a.m. | 11.30 a.m. | 2.30 p.m. | 4 p.m.
  • Sunday 10th, September 2023: entrances at 10 a.m. | 11.30 a.m. | 2.30 p.m. | 4 p.m.
  • Saturday 16th, September 2023: entrances at 10 a.m. | 11.30 a.m. | 2.30 p.m. | 4 p.m.
  • Sunday 17th, September 2023: entrances at 10 a.m. | 11.30 a.m. | 2.30 p.m. | 4 p.m.

Tickets for the September dates are available from 10 a.m. on Tuesday 29th August 2023.
Tickets go on sale month by month.





Can children under the specified minimum age participate?
A child under the minimum age will not be allowed to participate in the activity. If a child under the allowed age accompanies a sibling on target, he or she will not pay admission and will remain in the arms or stroller.

Do you have other dates on your calendar?
MUBA publishes activities once a month. We encourage you to sign up for the newsletter so you can stay up to date on upcoming dates or check the calendar on the website.

I had a problem during purchase. What can I do?
For problems with your online purchase, we encourage you to contact the Midaticket ticketing service, which MUBA relies on for all its activities, at