

10.00 - 23.00

Payment activities
Limited number shifts


"REMIDA MILANO" Center for creative reuse of corporate waste materials (6-11 anni)

The creative reuse center "REMIDA Milan" welcomes families for experimentation and fun research together with company waste materials!

From 6 to 11 years old

Saturday, 25th, November 2023

75 minutes


REMIDA, conceived in Reggio Emilia in 1996, is a project of the "Istituzione Nidi e Scuole d'Infanzia" del Comune di Reggio Emilia and Iren Emilia, managed by the Fondazione Reggio Children and the Centro Loris Malaguzzi. Around this experience, the REMIDA network  was born, which today consists of 14 centers around the world, of which REMIDA MILAN  is a part.  

REMIDA MILANO is the center for creative reuse of corporate waste materials opened by MUBA in 2010. It is a place where discarded materials from industrial and craft production are transformed into valuable creative resources. Unstructured and salvaged materials of a  wide variety of types are collected and arranged in the space to reinvent their use and  meaning.

MUBA's staff of educators - composed of professionals with backgrounds ranging from  psychology, theater, pedagogy, art and science-fosters the process of play and and is  available to participants for in - depth discussions on the REMIDA project.

Adults are invited to actively participate, not just to play but to get involved! At REMIDA MILANO we all play without shoes!  



After an initial introduction to the activity by the educators, the families are invited to freely reach the play stations previously set up with materials from REMIDA Milano.


Box games are timeless and have always fascinated entire generations.

In the REMIDA IN SCATOLA workshop, revisited versions of the game of goose, memory and other proposals come to life at stations set up with REMIDA Milano's deconstructed materials.
Young and old put yourself to the test and get ready for exciting challenges!


REMIDA MILAN ages 6 to 11 awaits you:

  • Saturday, November 25th, 2023



November weekend tickets are available starting at 10 a.m. on Tuesday 20th of October, 2023 in the BUY section of the website. 




Are children under the age listed allowed?
The activity is designed and organized for elementary school children.

Do you have other dates on your calendar?
We encourage you to sign up for the newsletter so you will be kept up to date on upcoming dates!

Can children or adults enter alone?
The presence of at least one adult for every 3 children is mandatory. Adults are responsible for the children they accompany. Adults who do not accompany children will not be admitted to the activities.

I had a problem during purchase. What can I do?
For problems with your online purchase, please contact the Midaticket ticketing service, which MUBA relies on for all its activities, at